Monday, November 12, 2012


I was kind of dehydrated going into today's training.  Don't know why, but I had cotton mouth.  Just need to be better about water... It's always tough.  Anywho.. today would have strung just as much fully hydrated.

Meal 1:
Coffee with Heavy Cream
Yogurt with Granola and Fruit
Meal 2:
Chicken Shawarma 
Greek Salad with Dressing
1 Slice of Pita Bread
Meal 3:
Chicken Breast 
Vinaigrette Dressing
Meal 4: 
Almond MIlk
Meal 5:
Ginger/Teriyaki Chicken Breast

A: 5 Rounds for time:
5 Power Cleans (70kg)
10 Hand release Push Ups
30 Double Unders

B: 21-15-9 of:
Russian Kettlebell Swings (32)

A: 13:52.  It's been a while since I've done double unders.  So long that I wasn't even sure where my jump rope was.   Well I found it, and I only had 1 bad round of trips during the set!  Super Happy about that.  My knee seemed to hold up well during the jumping too. 
This workout had nothing to do with any of the movements, just my engine.  Not a single set after the first round was done unbroken... even with 70kg power cleans. Should just owned them, but my lungs were burning!  I pushed through it.  

I am beginning to embrace the suck a bit better. 

B: 6:43.  I know...  F*&king Burpees.  I will start incorporating these into my training more.  They seem to absolutely drain my energy, so or course that means more. I was with Wayne on this one and had originally planned on using 24kg. Wayne walked out and handed me the 32kg and said some shit about me being able to clean 150kg blah blah blah.  It was his birthday so I did it. 
We rested about 20 minutes between A & B and I felt I had enough but by the time the 15 burpees hit, I felt like I was right back on the last round of part A. It was really hard to finish.  I was on the ground for a while after that one and was coughing all through lunch. 

Cheers to coughing up a lung!

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