Sunday, April 28, 2013

It's been a while...

Yeah I know right... Not very accountable and not much follow through on this blog.

What really matters is that I have been accountable and I followed through to my goal of finishing the 24 day advocare challenge.

I started the challenge at 325lbs.  (Some bloat from my destructive birthday party)
I set everything up to end on the same day as my Pre-Op appointment with my surgeon.

Upon arrival at Kaiser at 11am I had already consumed a Spark (Caffeine) with 24oz of water and a bit more water to wash out my mouth.

My bodyweight was 304lbs.

My Blood Pressure was 116/68

My Heart Rate was 64bpm.

Am I happy that I went from 325 to 304?  heck yes.

The diet was very easy to maintain.  Every day I filled out each of my check lists and made sure that I got everything in.  There were days that I missed a few of my supplements, but that didnt stop my momentum.

I have taken the last two weeks to relax a bit.  Not following any specific diet but definitely not going Full-Blown overboard.  I had a burger one night.. some thai food another night here and there.. spent most of my days still eating the way I did on the challenge, just without the supplements.

I'm starting another challenge Monday along with a few membership of the gym.  Should be fun!  I am looking forward to seeing these guys get big results!

The initial 10 days will end with my surgery date.

After surgery I will be following through with the arranged 14 days of nutriton with some quality intake adjustments.

I will basically be doing nothing but recovering and therapy so my focus will be on a Nutrient-rich, Calorie-poor diet.

We will see how things go.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Advocare Day 1:

After 1 week off from Ketosis through Carb Nite and a fairly nasty weekend of drinking and food for my birthday, I wasn't surprised at all to see my body weight be nice and high this morning.

On my last Carb Nite (two Saturday's ago) I was 310lbs.  Today I was 325lbs.

Considering a Drank Sunday, consumed about 250oz of Water Monday and about 2lbs of Rice Noodles and Broth, I know most of it will go away as I begin this 10-day cleanse.

Training was nothing today.  I am still queasy as hell from Sunday's shit show.  My knee is sucking anyways.

My Nutrition for the 10-day cleanse will follow this particular set up. Ill post my 2 solid meals each day, but I am timed and strict with consuming the supplement schedule and wont miss anything over the next 10 days.

Daily Break Down
30 Min Before Breakfast:
Advocare Spark Packet
Catalyst Tablets (2)
Fiber Drink with Water
Meal Replacement Shake with Water
30 Min Before Lunch:

Advocare Spark Packet
Catalyst Tablets (2)
Protein 4-6oz Turkey Breast from Trader Joes (7oz)
Vegetables (2 cups) 2 Steamed Broccoli (2 Cups)
Fat Minimal
Omega Plus Tablets (3)
Protein 4-6oz Skirt Steak (7oz)
Vegetables (2 Cups) Steamed Broccoli (2 cups)
Before Bedtime:
Herbal Cleanse Tablets (3)
Catalyst Tablets (2)
Total Daily Water Consumption Goal: 150+oz

This is a very low calories diet. 1599 calories consumed today along with 170oz of water consumed.

With less than 60g of fat it is a big change I feel from Carb Nite.  My body never felt full from food.  The moment I would finish eating I would be hungry within 30 min.  It will take a while to get used to.

I know I will be lighter tomorrow.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Advocare Challenge

Today is the beginning of a new challenge for me.

My knee has been bothering me more and more as I train... Now to the degree of scheduling my knee surgery for sonner than expected. 

My biggest concern has been the timing of everything:

The surgery will have me out of the gym for up to 4 weeks and because it is my right knee, I will not be able to drive for some time. 

How will this take affect on the gym and my staff, what kind of burdon is this going to be on my wife, and how will limited activity take a toll on my body. 

I was hoping to push the surgery to summer time, when Tiff was not teaching and by then, have everything in place for the gym to run smoothly.  I would also have a better control on my bodyweight by then. 

But the pain is a bit too much now, and I worry that prolonging it any more will only increase the potential damage to me knee in addition to my existing injuries. 

While the other things in my life are getting organized for this event (faster than I anticipated)  I am worried about being heavier than planned.  

Although I absolutely love the CarbNite diet, it doesnt suit my needs at the moment. 

The carb nite diet is a fat loss diet, and works really well at that as well as being able to make considerable gains during that time. However, I do not need gains in lean mass at the moment and have noticed them. So I am very willing to let go of lean mass as well as fat mass for the time being.  

When I am back to normal post surgery, I can make my gains when I want to.  Its never been a challenge for me to gain lean mass.

That said, I am starting a 24 day challenge through Advocare.  Days 1-10 are a food cleanse and 11-24 are used to reset my body to my goal. 

I will be taking a daily set of pictures and weighing myself to measure my progress daily as well as report any reflections I have while on the challenge. My training has been limited to therapy and upper body, but when I am up for it I will post my training here as well. 

At the moment, I am looking forward to starting this phase. I am excited to see where this goes!


Monday, March 11, 2013

03/03/13 - 03/09/13

Last week I was pissed off because I weighed in 4lbs up from the week before. It was the first time since getting back on the CrossFit Wagon that I saw my weight go up. Not a happy Camper, but I focused this last week on making sure my sodium intake and hydration were in check and I pushed.

Saturday Morning I weighed in 7lbs down from last week. Meaning whatever extra weight I had that put me in the plus the week before was gone plus 3 more pounds. 3lbs net loss is something I am very okay. I also had a talk with my friend helping me program about changing the rep scheme of my lifts from 8-10 to 15-20 taking me away from Hypertrophy and into a more Muscular Endurance area. Even though with the Carb Nite Diet, I should not be making Huge gains being in Hypertrophy but rather depleting my Glycogen through the week, I didnt want to make any movements towards that since I tend to gain strength very easily. Again, I have to stick to my goals... this isnt about gains.  It's about fat loss and being okay with losing a little lean mass along the way.  If I am no longer a weightlifter by sport, I don't need the body of a lifter.

My body is getting leaner, though and I am happy about that.

I set myself a goal of getting 130 reps on the Open 13.1 event and after a tough week of training I managed to grab 125 reps. I then executed one of my most enjoyable Carb Nites to date:

  • Zello Pizza (Corn Sausage and Balsamic Glazed Onions)
  • 1 Beer with my boys
  • 2 Reese's Ice Cream Sandwiches
  • 32oz Cherry Coke
  • Red Vines
  • Tepanyaki Dinner with Fried Rice and A Baked Lobster Roll
  • 2 More Reese's Ice Cream Sandwiches
Combo that with a lot of water and a great night's sleep and I felt pretty good Sunday Morning in the gym. 

I am really trying to dial in my eating this upcoming week, especially with my Fat Intake. 75g of Fat for every 100g of protein.  Since most of my fats come from Animal, I may look to add some leaner cuts of meat to my week. My friend Wayne (Who introduced me to Carb Nite) had some Tuna and I am going to go pick some up on the way home to make some great fuel for the week that is slightly lower in fat than the meats I consume normally. 

I weight 310lbs right now and My original goal was to drop to 280lbs by my birthday. Well, my birthday is 13 days away, so... that probably isnt realistic, but I will definitely be happy knowing that on my 31st birthday I will be below 300lbs again.  It'll make me very happy. 

Once I get below 300lbs, I am going to look into a slight tweaking of my nutrition suggested by my friend Nathan to help speed up my results. We will see if it works for me. 

Anyways, here is my training for the week along with my Macros:
4 Sets:
10 Back Squats
(106kg for all sets)
3 Sets:
10 Pull Ups
10 Wall Ball (20#)
3 Sets:
10 Ring Push Ups
10 RKB Swings (40)
5 Sets:
30 Sec On
2:30 Min
(103 total Cals)
Calories 2598
Protein 210
Fat 183
Net Carbs 7
AMRAP in 10 Min:
5 Clean & Jerks (62)
30m Shuttle Run
(8 Rounds)

Calories 1522
Protein 94
Fat 132
Net Carbs 4
On Fast
Row/Airdyne 30 min <120bpm
(196 Cals)

4 Sets
8 Deadlifts
3 Sets:
A1: 10 Ring Rows
A2: 10 Push Press
3 Sets:
B1: 10 Bent Row (60kg)
B2: 10 Burpees with strict pushup
Calories 2500
Protein 235
Fat 181
Net Carbs 11
On Fast
Row/Airdyne 30 min <120bpm
5 Sets:
15 Double Unders
7 Burpees
7 RKBS (32)
Rest 90 Sec
EMOM for 18 Min
3 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk (80kg)
Calories 2395
Protein 152
Fat 183
Net Carbs 18

Calories 2639
Protein 272
Fat 180
Net Carbs 19
On Fast
Row/Airdyne 30 min <120bpm
For 20 Min:
Odd Min: 5 Ball Slam + 3 Sit Ups
Even Min: 3 Pull Ups + 5 Air Squats
*Ended up doing construction on the lobby for the day at the gym.  Tore down walls, hung drywall painted.. on my feet all day.  Needed to get the project done by the end of the day so I had to skip my PM Session
Calories 2936
Protein 197
Fat 239
Net Carbs 8
On Fast
Row/Airdyne 30 min <120bpm

Open 13.1 
Score 125 Reps RX

See you next week!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

02/24/13 - 03/02/13:

I started this new program this last week.  The training had a lot more strength to it and my body definitely reacted to it that way.  On most mornings I was asked to a fasted cardio session.  I actually liked starting my day that way.  Like I mentioned before, the strength work had my body tired by the end of the week and my knee tightened up pretty good by Friday.

I noticed initial changes to my body comp and that is great.  I do have picture to track my progress, but I am definitely not ready to share them yet on the interwebz.  Maybe when its all over and I am leaner, but for now, my focus is on staying strict.

I was slightly surprised Saturday Morning.  For the first time since starting this training goal, I saw an increase in my weight.  Disappointing, yes, but not beyond reason. I was 4lbs up from last week.  We are talking about less than 2% of my body weight. Could it be retention?  Could it be a reaction to the focus on slower, more grinding lifts through the week?  I am not too stressed about it, but I am definitely going to focus my next week's energy on making sure I monitor all my sodium intake, and that I have absolutely zero artificial flavors or hidden whatever-could-be-in-this ingredients in my food.

The fact that I felt and saw a difference in my body doing this training means it was a positive experience. I think after the first week, my body will get used to the method of training and I will see a loss. I am okay with giving a bit of my lean mass in the process. Just like my fat mass, I feel like I have too much anyways.

Anyways.. here is my training along with my daily macros:

4 Sets
8 Deadlifts (100/130/140/150)
3 Sets:
A1: 10 Ring Rows
A2: 10 Push Ups
3 Sets:
B1: 10 Narrow Grip Bench Press (60/70/75)
B2: 10 Ball Slams (40#)
4 Sets:
40 sec on
rest 2 min  (Total Cals 89)

Calories 2777
Protein 171g
Fat 244g
Net Carbs 3g


AMRAP in 12 min:
5 Power Snatch (40kg)
30 Double Unders
(8+1 Rounds)
5 Sets:
6 Strict Hanging Leg Riases
6 Reverse Hypers 1 sec pause at top

Calories 2141
Protein 126g
Fat 186g
Net Carbs 2g


On Fast
Airdyne 30 min <120bpm
Airdyne 212cals

4 Sets
8 Back Squats Slow Tempo
3 Sets:
A1: 10 Pull Ups
A2: 10 seated KB Press (40kg)
3 Sets:
B1: 10 Bent Row (60kg)
B2: 10 Burpees with strict pushup

Calories 2246
Protein 189g
Fat 165g
Net Carbs 10g

On Fast
Airdyne 30 min <120bpm
(263 cals)

6 Sets
7 Burpees
2 MB Clean (80#)
7 RKBS (32)
Rest 90 Sec
EMOM for 20 Min
2 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk (70kg)

Calories 2453 
Protein 151g 
Fat 164g 
Net Carbs 13g

Calories 2390
Protein 149g
Fat 201g
Net Carbs 1g


On Fast
Airdyne 30 min <120bpm
(220 cals)

4 Sets
2 Clean Extensions
1 Power Clean
2 Power Jerks
Rest 3 min
4 Sets
2 Power Snatch
3 Behind the Neck Jerk
Rest 3 min

Knee was starting to feel real tight from the snatches. Started to warm up but it didn't let go so I stopped and did some mobility. No PM Workout


On Fast
Airdyne 30 min <120bpm
(242 cals)

6 Sets
3 Bench Press
6 Sets
3 Deadlift

3 sets
10 narrow grip bench press (70kg); 1 min rest
10 sumo deadlif (70kg)t; 1 min rest
20 toes to bar + 80 situps for time
(7min 46 sec)

2 sets:
30 Sec All Out Effort
Rest 3 Min


On to next week!

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Been pretty pre-occupied the last week.

Last Sunday my father called me early in the morning to inform me that my grandmother had passed away.

There isnt much you can do in a situation like this. My father would never admit it but he needed me around for him. My older sisters who live in Maryland all flew in and that has meant nothing but craziness for the scheduling of training.

I have managed to stay solid on my diet, and I see (as does my wife) a change in my body composition occurring.

A friend of mine offered me some help with programming to increase the efficiency of my overall efforts.  Since I am a firm believer in not programming for yourself and since I trust him and his understanding, I am going to give it a whirl.  I started his program 02/24/2013 and will do it for 3 weeks to feel it out.  If it fits well and does what It should do, Ill stick around with it.

It's really tough to figure out the difference between what works and whats exciting to do.  I have had many folks tell me that my programming is "Boring" or "Themed" and thats fine with me, because it works. To me, there is no glory in training. I train for purpose first.. excitement second and thats how I train my clients too.  Wanna do Fran and 20 rep squats every day? go ahead but it comes at a cost.

I found that by doing my own programming (even while keeping an non-bais mind while constructing it) I was allowing myself to succumb to the influence of my training partners and we were often changing workouts.  Call it whatever it may be: Eagerness to keep things fun and exciting, wanting to please everyone or whatever, it just isnt a good thing to do. Sticking to the program is key.  So I am taking it out of my hands and putting it into the hands of someone I trust.

That said, my training this week will not be exciting or epic in any way.  I extended the offer to my training partners to follow this program with me and they have chosen not to.  Thats alright with me. I'd have liked the support but I will do fine.  They have different goals than me and they are now moving on to a different stage in their nutrition while I am still in foundational changes. They are fun guys to train with and I will miss that.  Its been a great few months. I'm grateful for what we accomplished together.

Sunday and Monday are single day training sessions and have been done very early in the morning to get them in so I can get back to family stuff.

The rest of the week with be AM and PM training sessions. I will also post a daily macro balance with each days results.

Friday, February 1, 2013

01/28/13 - 02/02/13

This week has ben tough... not on the training side but it definitely took affect on my training.

I have just been dealing with a lot of stress. Well lets correct what I just wrote there:

I already deal with a considerable amount of stress and anxiety as a business owner and CrossFit Affiliate Owner. This week has just so happen to pile on a little more than I can handle.
Every once in a while I get a little overwhelmed with the gym, my personal life and anything else that could possibly get placed on top of that.  The article posted about me on was cool to read.  The title was way over the top, but it touched on some pretty specific things going on with my life.
At first I was pretty pissed off by all the armchair quarterbacks who talked shit on the .com facebook page but then they only proved how much they know.. NOTHING.  It was pretty cool to see some of the people I care about chime in on the thread and melt some faces.   Maybe my stress came from the accountability that article has created.  Now the entire community is expecting me to succeed.

Coincidentally... my new nickname amongst my training partners is "Little Bitch."

I will figure out a way to manage the pressure I am feeling.  Once I do, I will be able to get back in the swing of things.   Some of my results this week were not what I was looking for but it was the best I could do given the energy lul I was feeling through the week.

My food was good this week.  On Friday I grabbed some Brisket from Whole Foods with nothing on it as a quick meal before training, but one of my friends revealed to me that they use brown sugar in the dry rub.  FUCK. It didnt take me over my limit for either my day or my meal so im okay.

Keep pushing forward to next week. I really want to be in the low 290's by the end of February.

A: Power Snatch + Behind the Neck Jerk
Build to a heavy 1+2
(Hit 90kg but the jerk really limited the weight)

B: 7 Sets:
Min 1: 2 Handstand Push Ups
Min 2: 5 Burpees
Min 3: 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32)
(Stayed about 6 inches off the ground with the push ups.)

C: 10-8-6-4-2 of:
Power Cleans (70kg)
25 Double Unders
A: Clean + Jerk
Heavy 2+1

B: 10 Sets:
Min 1: 7 Sit Ups
Min 2: 5 Ring Push Ups
Min 3: 5 Ring Rows
(Completed with interruptions)

C: 12 Sets:
30 Sec Airdyne Sprint
30 Sec Easy Aridyne
*Stay on the bike the entire time.
(Cant remember Score)
10 Rounds for time of:
3 Deadlifts (130)
50m Farmers Carry (32kg)
3 Burpees
A: Deadlift:
Heavy Double

B: For time:
20 Burpees
30 Power Cleans (70kg)
20 Burpees
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Power Snatches (50kg)
Ball Slams (25#)
10 ABMAT Sit Ups after each set.
Competition Team does NLI.

Airdyne Intervals.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

01/21/13 - 01/27/13

This week was tough.  I was sore going into Thursday when came by to video tape me for the journal article. I was also nearing the end of the reorientation for week 1 of carb nite. 

I lost 9.5lbs in the 10 days of re-orientation. Cool, I had my carb nite and it was awesome. 
The book talked about the "after glow" of carb nite and I gotta say... it was spot-on!

I was warm, felt almost like I had a elevated temperature... I had a really sound sleep too.

Sunday morning I woke up slightly dehydrated and had a protein/fat breakfast and was right back on track.

I think next week, I want to try roasting up some yams and bringing them with me to NLI so I can get my carb nite on paleo style.  I may also say GFY and get some sweets.  I'll play it by ear. 

This upcoming week, my focus is on making sure my Protein/Fat intake is as close to a 1:1 as possible.
Sunday I was pretty close!

Anyways.. here's my training for the week. 

A: Power Clean + Power Jerk
Heavy 1+2
Results: 125kg

B: EMOM for 12 min
2 hang power @ 70% of part A

C: 8 sets
8 wall ball
20 cals Airdyne
1 min rest
Results: SMOKED!
A: Power Snatch
Heavy double
Results: 90kg

B: 10 sets:
3 power snatches (70% of A) 
15 cals Airdyne
Results: 62kg on snatch. 18:04 finish time

A: Press+Push Press
Heavy 1+3
Results: 90kg

B: 5 rounds for time:
10 Push Press (62)
20 Kettlebell swings (32)
200m run
Results: 14:10
A: Power Clean + Jerk
Heavy 1+1
Results: 135kg

B: 4 rounds for time of:
30 Double unders
8 burpees
8 Kettlebell Snatches (24)
Results: 8:59

C: AMRAP in 10 Min:
5 deadlifts (84)
100m Sprint
Results: somewhere around 10 rounds
A: 3 Rounds for time of:
40 Cal Airdyne
21 Russian KB Swings (32)
12 Burpees
Results:  Sub 13 was goal.  I know I met the goal, but cant remember my time. 

B: 10 sets:
Every 2 min:
45 sec Airdyne
Goal is 200 cals or more
Results: Not even close!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


This was my first week upping my training to 5 days in a row.  I felt okay but by friday I was pretty tight.

My food was good this week, but my hydration wasn't great.  By the end of the night I found myself chugging just to meet a daily minimum.  I dont think I had a single day where I met my goal.   I need to make sure I am hydrating well throughout the entire day.

Starting Monday I am going to begin limiting my carb intake to 30g daily and I am going to do this for 10 consecutive days.  I have done ketogenic diets before with good success. Since my two training partners both do this and are currently seeing great results, I am going to join in with the group.

(I have always done well when I eat and training with my team.)

Let's see how this week goes.. it will be difficult with the amount of training.. I'll be pretty depleted, but I am not doing this for athletic performance.


A: Power Clean:
Heavy Single

B: 10 Sets:
30 Sec Airdyne
8 Kettlebell Snatches
4 Burpees
Rest 1 Min

A:130kg.  I hit 134kg, but caught it a little too low and didnt want to stand it up to save my knee.
B: Completed

A: 5 Sets:
5 Back Squats
200m Row Sprint
Rest 2 Min

B: 5 Rounds for time of:
4 Power Snatches (44)
8 Paralette Pass-throughs
50m Farmers Carry (32)

A: Used 50kg with a 3031 tempo. 
B: Used 20in box for my pass-throughs.  I forgot to snap a photo of my finishing time for the workout. 

3 Rounds for time of:
30 Cals Airdyne
15 Push Press (40kg)
30 Cals Row
15 Burpees
200m Run
15 Push Press
25 Double Unders
15 Burpees

Last tested 11/14/12:  43:33
Today: 36:10!!!

A: For time:
25 Russian KB Swings (32)
3 Pull Ups
20 Russian KB Swings
6 Pull Ups
15 Russian KB Swings
9 Pull Ups
10 Russian KB Swings
12 Pull Ups
5 Russian KB Swings
15  Pull Ups

B: 10 Sets:
1 Min Airdyne
1 Min Rest

A: Did Jumping Pull Ups.  
B:  Mid 200'2 score.
*I forgot to snap a pic of my scores.  I need to be better about that.

A: Power Snatch:
Heavy Single

B: 5 Sets:
30 Cal Row
Rest 1 Min

C: EMOM for 18 Min:
4 Burpees
D-Ball Variations (rotate between 4 different balls)
80# Ball 2 reps over shoulder
80# Ball 2 reps over shoulder
150# Ball 1 rep over shoulder
40# Ball 5 Ball Slams

A: 95kg.  Missed 100kg. 
B: Completed.  Burned!
C: Completed.  JB jumped in a hyped us up.  Pretty fun!

Rest.  Spent the entire weekend at the OC Throwdown with my athletes.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

12/30/12 - 01/06/13

Food felt good this week.  I didn't eat very bad in Vegas during my vacation.. but just wasn't actively training.  It was the first week off of regular CrossFit training since I began and I could really feel the difference!  I missed it. 

Anyways, this week I stayed pretty clean and focused on looking at my total daily carb consumption.  Since most of my meals are all veggies for carbs it isn't THAT hard to stay below 50g. 

I gave myself a Free Meal/Cheat Meal/whatever the hell you wanna call it Saturday, but I had a goal of eating a healthy breakfast before my meal, then making sure I had a healthy dinner right after. 

For me, its about balance.  I do not do well without a free meal once a week... when i was most focused on training in my life I had 1 free night every 2 weeks. At the same time, if I am not focused during that free time, a free meal can easily turn into a free day or worse yet.. a free weekend. 

I was happy I was able to get back on track after I had that meal, it left me with a better feeling going into this next week. 

I will weigh in again on Friday to update my progress.  Hoping to see a loss considering my lazy vacation. 

A: 6 Sets:
5 Back Squats for quality
*Used 50kg for all sets.
B: 5 Sets:
Every 2 Min:
30 Sec Airdyne Sprint
15 Push Press (20kg)
*Completed.  Felt easy. Focus was to just get my heart rate up and feel back in the game after my time off.
A: EMOM for 10 Min:
1 Power Clean (80)
2 Bar facing burpees
Directly into:
B: EMOM for 10 Min:
2 Power Clean (80)
2 Bar facing burpees

C: 6 Sets:
Every 3 Min:
250m Row Sprint
*All sets finished.  Fastest was :48, Slowest was :53.

D: Behind the Neck Push Press
Heavy Double
*Skipped.  We were TOAST!
Tuesday: Rest
A: Power Snatch:  
Heavy Double
*100kg.  First time I've snatched heavy since before my injury. Felt really light and fast.  Didn't even have oly shoes on.  My knee felt okay as well.  It got me excited, but I have to tell myself not to rush into more because I am still not 100%. 

B: 5 Sets:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups 
15  Sit Ups
Rest 2 Min
*Splits: 1:14/1:16/1:34/1:58/2:56.  It was all about the damn sit ups... they killed!

C: Back Squat
5 reps for therapy
*Used 60kg for sets.  Right leg still feel wobbly. 
A: 10 Sets:
30 Sec Airdyne for Cals
30 AMRAP Clean & Jerks (62)
Rest 1 Min
*Total Score was 197.  I wanted 200.  I did 4 CJ each round minus the last round when I only did 3.  
Splits: 21/26/20/21/20/19/19/18/18/15
Could have.. should have hit 200.

I was pleased to find out that the blog article being done about my journey back into CrossFit with a focus on weight loss has been upgraded to a full Journal Article on the mainsite. 
Lots of accountability!  

280lbs by March 24th.
250lbs by The CrossFit Games!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, ready to go!

So, I took a vacation.

The first vacation I have had in 4 years. 

Not only was it a great chance to step away, it gave me a chance to recharge and mentally clear myself before starting the new year. 

I tend to overwhelm myself easily with what needs to get done.  Being a small business owner demands so much.  the stress of everything riding on me can sometimes really get to me. 

This vacation gave me a chance to figure things out.  I'm pretty sure it saved my marriage too.  I know I am not the easiest to deal with and I know my wife is put through just as much stress dealing with me as I deal with being the owner of CFP. 

She is amazing. 

That said, I felt eager to get back into things. I have a clear plan, and I have a focus on time management. 

I was talking to Tiff tonight at dinner. I told her that with my focus, I am starting to lose my emotional connection with food.  The last two weeks, when Tiff asks me what I feel like for dinner or lunch, my answers are simple. "Nah."  or  "Yah."

The tough part is that Tiff is extremely emotional about her food and she tries to influence me. 

So, sometimes I am a dick for being short and frank with what I want or don't want because it doesn't fall in line with the reaction she was looking for. We talked about it, and she has agreed to try to keep her cravings to herself. 

In terms of making the most of my time.  I will be posting my training results on a weekly basis. Since I basically copy those things over from my googledoc, I might as well just do it on a big post instead of making time daily to write. I wish I had a job where I sat down in front of a computer all day.  Id have a lot of time to write detailed blogs with every single thing accounted for. 

Potentially, if all the things I need to accomplish this year happen, the business will lighten up a bit giving me more time to write. 

For now, its all about training hard, eating clean and hitting my goals.