Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I was expecting a lot more initial soreness when I woke up this morning but I was pleasantly surprised. After a higher volume day yesterday I thought I'd wake up unable to move. I slept 9 hours, and felt like I needed more.  (probably my body just wanting more time to rebuild and heal up.)  It was definitely a two cups of coffee kinda day.

Dr. Choy gave me an adjustment to my fibial head to see if the tightness was causing a bit of external rotation and "POP"  it definitely moved. It gave me some temporary relief in the knee.  He also set my hips as well before heading back to the gym to train. 

Training was definitely taxing today, I was a zombie for a while afterwards. 

Meal 1:
(Coffee + Heavy Cream)2
Deli Meats

Meal 2:
Grass Fed Meat Balls, Tomato Sauce, Shredded Zucchini.

Meal 3:
Oh My Bar

Meal 4:
Deli Meats with Brussel Sprouts and Bacon.

A: Deadlift
Build to a heavy set of 5 reps

B: AMRAP in 10 Min:
60ft Bear Crawl
8 Deadlifts (80kg)

-Rest 10 min-

C: AMRAP in 10 Min:
200m Run
8 Shoulder to Overhead (40kg)

A:  180kg.  
I thought I was lifting 190kg.  I was kind of disappointed, but I remembered that I am rebuilding.  I may have been able to go heavier, but it was more about how much my hands where dying during the lifts than it was about my strength.  Not bad for having not lifted anything heavy in over a month. I'll get it back up.  Plus, Dr. Choy said it would be good to strengthen my hamstrings to help balance out my knee. The day of my injury, I hit 225kg for 3 reps.  I would love to have 230kg x 5 reps without thinking too much about it.  Rob crushed 2 sets at 200kg. Looked like he could have done more than 5!  
Part of training with a team is program good work for them too.  I'd love to see Wayne finally break through that 200kg barrier with his Deadlift because of the training we are doing together. We will work more on it!

B: 6 Rounds complete with a few seconds to spare. 
My goal was 5 rounds and I am happy with my score.  My hands were raw mid-way through the workout because of the matted flooring.  I ran into the closet between sets and got my gloves out, but the damage was already done.  The bear crawls sucked!  My shoulders and hips were burning and by the last round I was feeling it deep in my lats. It was indeed potent conditioning. 

C:  6 Rounds on the button.
The 200m Runs really lit up my calves and soleus. I even had to stop at the turn around point to stretch them out a bit for fear of cramping.  It really kept me from being able to run hard.  the shoulder to Overhead were light and fast, but obviously programmed that way for a reason. 
I'd really like to see some improvements in my running ability, but I also know that will come in time and with much care to my knee. 

I felt low on calories today and my hydration has not been optimal.  I may be adding a meal replacement to my daily menu to get a few more calories in my daily intake. I have 3- 30 ounce water bottles in front of me right now and I am going to try to finish them before bed. 

Cheers to feeling those 90 ring push ups tomorrow!

Coach JD.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't really worry about upping your calorie intake right now. See if you can find a lower sodium protein substitute to sub it for the deli meats for now so you don't feel so dehydrated. Nothing is worse than carrying 2 gallons of water in you and having a dry mouth. You have plenty of lean mass to spare, the primary focus is getting your size down and healing your joints.

    You're not going to deteriorate in the strength department with lack of (being a tad off) cals/carbs
